Some helpful FAQs about working with a Virtual Assistant

There is a lot involved when working with a virtual assistant. This page will hopefully answer the most asked questions that small business owners might have about doing so.

If you can’t find the answer to your question, please feel free to contact me and I can do my best to give you the information you require.

  • Does any of the following sound like you?

    • Are you coming to the end of the working day and know that you still need to work to at least 8pm?

    • Are you eating your dinner with one hand, not actually tasting what you are eating, hoping nothing will drop on your keyboard or worse misses your mouth and you stab yourself in the face with your fork?

    • Are you missing putting the kids to bed because you are still in your office working?

    • Are you missing out on your hobbies because you are having to work in the evenings or weekends?

    • Are you having to cancel social occasions or not go to those important social occasions because you ‘just have this one last thing to do before next week’

    • Are you having to buy flowers on a regular basis or promise ‘a nice dinner out when I get this done’ often to make up for neglecting your significant other?

    If any of this resonates with you, then you are DEFINITELY in need of some assistance!

    Having the support of a virtual assistant buys you back the valuable time to be present doing all of these more enjoyable activities - at the normal times they happen.


    • It does not have to be someone full time either, just a couple of hours could be all it takes a week to help you get to the next stage of your business.

    • As your business grows, so does the support you need, so you can have the benefit of scaling up your support when it suits your business.

    • It also takes away the financial stress of paying for a resource that you are not fully utilising and you know exactly what the cost is each month for a specified list of things that will greatly help you move forward.

    • You don’t have to train anyone to do the work because they are already an expert at it. The only training you may have to provide is on your own internal systems if required

    • The work will probably be done quicker because the person you hire is very good at what they do and are totally focused on what the specific task is

    • Enables you to plan your resources and time more effectively as you know you can employ someone to do the work in a specific time frame that suits your business schedule

    If this sounds like you and you just want to have an initial no obligation chat to find out how my virtual assistant services can help you, get in touch now.

    Don’t leave it until it’s too late. By late, I mean you having to do work twice because you keep making mistakes due to tiredness!

  • These are the 4 steps I would recommend:

    Step 1:

    Keep a diary for a week or two noting down approximately how long things are taking you. This will give you a clear indication of where your time is going.

    Step 2:

    Make a list of:

    • all the tasks that you don’t actually like doing

    • all the things that you enjoy doing

    • all the things that you are not particularly good at but have to do

    By making these lists, they will tell you an awful lot on what you need to be, and should be, delegating.

    Step 3:

    When you have all the information you can:

    • KEEP - all the things you enjoy doing and are good at

    • DELEGATE - all the rest if possible

    For specialist things like accounting, make sure that you are using a properly qualified accountant as this is a very important element to you knowing where you are financially and also has legal implications. The basic financial admin you could hand over to someone like creating invoices and chasing payments.

    Step 4:

    Call Gaynor at Aquamarine VA Services for a free discovery call. This would be to discuss how she can help you to start making the most of your day - so you can get more done


    • It does not have to be someone full time either, just a couple of hours could be all it takes a week to help you get to the next stage of your business.

    • As your business grows, so does the support you need, so you can have the benefit of scaling up your support when it suits your business.

    • It also takes away the financial stress of paying for a resource that you are not fully utilising and you know exactly what the cost is each month for a specified list of things that will greatly help you move forward.

    • You don’t have to train anyone to do the work because they are already an expert at it. The only training you may have to provide is on your own internal systems if required

    • The work will probably be done quicker because the person you hire is very good at what they do and are totally focused on what the specific task is

    • Enables you to plan your resources and time more effectively as you know you can employ someone to do the work in a specific time frame that suits your business schedule

    If this sounds like you and you just want to have an initial no obligation chat to find out how my virtual assistant services can help you, get in touch now.

    Don’t leave it until it’s too late. By late, I mean you having to do work twice because you keep making mistakes due to tiredness!